The Johnny Zone - All About Johnny
Who is Johnny? 
Johnny is one of many characters in the Guilty Gear series of fighting games by Arc System Works. Though he didn't become a playable character until Guilty Gear X in 2000, he actually made his first appearance in the original 1998 Guilty Gear, having a chat with May at the end of her arcade mode.
The great Johnny is a legendary gentleman pirate and practitioner of iaido, a type of Japanese swordsmanship. Orphaned at a young age, Johnny was able to keep going on his own, but realized that there were others like him who didn't have that same strength- And that he had the power to help them. He took in a young girl named May, and soon others followed after. He now sails the skies as the leader of the Jellyfish Pirates, a band of righteous pirates made up entirely of young girls orphaned by war. Together they stand up for the weak, deliver aid to the poor, provide a home for the lost, and of course, outrun the law.
Responsible and self-sufficient though he may be, Johnny is fairly laid back, valuing freedom and good humor. He has a big heart, and would put his life on the line for any of his crew. His strong morals, easygoing nature, and willingness to lend a helping hand has earned him many friends despite being an internationally wanted criminal; among them are Leo Whitefang, Ky Kiske, Kum Haehyun, Testament, Chipp Zanuff, and Axl Low. In addition to being a gold-hearted thief, reliable friend, and dedicated father, Johnny is also a gambler, and a dedicated lover of women- All women all around the world, regardless of looks or occupation. He will typically flirt with any adult women he meets, though he doesn't often push his luck, and holds women in general in high regard.
Johnny's love and dedication to his crew is well recognized, and the members of the Jellyfish Pirates can often be seen showing heartfelt appreciation towards Johnny. He's always willing to go above and beyond for his girls, and in return they cheer him on with bright enthusiasm.

Johnny's Words of Wisdom (As Told by May) 
Things Johnny has said... Allegedly, according to May's win quotes in Xrd.
- Men who don't know manners don't deserve human rights.
- Real men don't need business cards; People will find you if they want to.
- A man's appearance is worth a hundred words.
- Raw isn't bad. (She doesn't know what this means.)
- It's not your weapon's reach that matters. (Surely he is talking about combat skills?)
- Men like women who are a little ominous.

In-Game Biographies 

By game: Guilty Gear X | Guilty Gear X2 (U.S.) | Guilty Gear XX Λ Core +R | Guilty Gear Strive
Guilty Gear X
Taken from the U.S. PS2 manual.
- Height: 184 cm
- Weight: 72 kg
- Blood type: O
- Eye color: Blue
- Birthday: October 24
- Origin: USA
- Hobby: Looking for female companionship
When he was young, Johnny's father was slain by a Gear. Because of this horrifying experience, Johnny came to truly understand the plight of orphans and endeavored to become a man of compassion like his father. He now leads a band of chivalrous bandits, who aim to help those in need. But just what is it that motivates Johnny not to forget his pledge to save the lonely?
Taken from his page on the old official website, which you can visit via the Wayback Machine here.
When he was thirteen, a Gear killed Johnny's father, the only person who cared for him. His reluctance to open his heart to others became stronger after this incident; his fear of losing love again forced him to withdraw into himself. One day, he discovered that there were many orphans just like him, and came to realize that they may not be strong enough to continue living, like he had. From then on, Johnny chose to follow his father's path and live as a man of compassion. But, he does not share his past with anyone. It doesn't matter to him if they are humans, animals, or even Gears; it is his duty to help those in need. Johnny decides to visit the Gear in person, to see if he can offer support. He hides his intentions from his crew, telling them that he is going after the bounty.
Guilty Gear X2 (U.S.)
Taken from his story mode intro.
Postwar Admin. Bureau Report #7505
- Name: Johnny
- Height: 6'0"
- Weight: 159 lbs.
- Birthday: Oct. 24
- Blood Type: O
- Race: Human/American
Subject is the leader of the Jellyfish air pirates, and a key underworld figure.
His mastery of Japanese swordfighting makes him extremely dangerous in one-on-one combat.
His true power, however, lies in his personal ties with Zepp's president Gabriel and the IPF's Ky Kiske. It is highly likely that the Jellyfish are far more than a mere gang of thugs.
A self-styled noble bandit, he always tries to help those less fortunate. Capturing a hostage may be the best way to control his actions.
His overall clout makes him a major threat.
Risk rating: A
Guilty Gear XX Λ Core Plus
Taken from his story mode intro.
P.W.A.B: Record #7505
- Name: Johnny
- Height: 184cm
- Weight: 72kg
- Birthday: 10/25
- Type: American
Subject is the captain of the Jellyfish Air Pirates and a key individual in the criminal underworld.
Our information on him is incomplete, but we have confirmed that he uses the battou sword style, which originates from Japan, and his ability as a figher is very impressive.
Despite his significant fighting strength, it is his connections that can make him especially dangerous to us.
Since he is acquainted with Gabriel, the president of Zepp, and Ky Kiske, a high ranking official in the I.P.F., we believe that the Jellyfish Pirates are more than just criminals.
He has a chivalrous personality and a strong sense of duty, and often goes out of his way to protect the weak.
We may be able to control him with a hostage.
After taking into account his fighting ability and his political connections, we assign the subject a risk rating of A.
Guilty Gear Strive
Taken from the GG World glossary.
- Name: Johnny
- Height: 6'0"
- Weight: 159 lbs
- Blood Type: O
- Origin: America
- Date of Birth: October 24
- Hobbies: Finding beautiful women
- Likes: His secret guitar collection
- Dislikes: People who can't take a joke
- Affiliation: Jellyfish Pirates
- Weapon: Japanese sword
Leader of the Jellyfish Pirates. He is a master of the Hirofumi Style of swordsmanship. He is widely known in the world he lives in, and his reputation as a womanizer precedes him. He rescues children orphaned from war (women only) and brings them aboard his ship. He's a world-class outlaw but lives by the mantra, "Help the weak and sprain the strong," which has made him popular among the masses.
Johnny is an easy-going guy who's always ready to kick back, but when the going gets tough, he's undoubtedly the man for the job. No matter how grim the situation, he never loses his cool and is often there to break the tension with a clever joke. He loves the members of the Jellyfish Pirates like his own family and has often told them he puts their safety before his own life.
After a Gear murdered Johnny's father before his eyes, he was completely alone. He longed to be as beloved as his father had been and decided that piracy was how he would reach that goal. Since then, he has traveled the world to find and protect other orphaned children: people such as April and May. By and large, his crew members see him as a father figure, although some hope for something more intimate.
The Jellyfish Pirates have few scruples about breaking the law, and in fact, they regularly do so in the name of protecting those the law cannot. Despite being outlaws, however, they have a vast network of friends and acquaintances, including First King Ky Kiske and Zepp President Gabriel. There is a little-known, unspoken rule among the Jellyfish pirates: No men allowed...except for Johnny, of course.
In the Cradle Incident, he tried to uncover the secrets of the so-called "disease" of the Japanese people without letting May know what he was up to. During his investigation, he encountered the famed doctor, Faust. Dr. Faust managed to successfully reverse May's symptoms.
Johnny is still working hard to help cure more victims of this symptom.