The Johnny Zone - Battle Quotes

By game: Guilty Gear Petit 2 | Guilty Gear X2 (U.S.) | Guilty Gear XX Λ Core +R | Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 | Guilty Gear Strive
Guilty Gear Petit 2 
Translations by yours truly. By the way, you can play this game at the Internet Archive.
Match Start
- Default: I'm perfect, aren't I?
- vs. May: Hmph...
Match End
- Default: The difference between us is in my sense of style… My sense of flair.
- vs. May: ふう…そのへんにしときな… (T/N: I don’t know how to translate this, sorry)
- vs. Sol: A sword is supposed to cut things, you know? Do you understand that?
- vs. Ky: You know it takes more than just a pretty face to earn world renown, right?
- vs. May: Listen here! Hurry up and go home, alright?! I’ll be right behind you!
- vs. Axl: Haha… I’m a nice guy, but that’s all. (T/N: Not a damn clue what he means by this)
- vs. Millia: Won’t you rendezvous with me, blonde beauty?
- vs. Faust Well that was a dangerous guy.
- vs. Jam: Man, what is it about Chinese dresses that make a man’s heart race every time?
- vs. Fanny: My Jellyfish Pirates are recruiting for a charming nurse. Won’t you forget about the man from back then? (T/N: Referring to Dr. Baldhead)
- vs. Potemkin: Sorry about that. The only opponents who can get to me are slim beauties.
- vs. Chipp: You’re good to be able to keep moving continuously like that, but it only works until you fall.
- vs. Anji: Were you watching? Do you think you can master these great moves of mine?
- vs. Zato-1: As long as you’re relying on that thing, you can’t see my iai, can you?
Guilty Gear X2 (U.S.) 
Note: X2 is known for having a slightly wonky translation (such as the infamous "studmaster" line), and has more or less the same lines as +R, only uh... Worse? Nonetheless, I'm including it for posterity. Interestingly, Johnny's win quotes against Robo-Ky, Testament, and Eddie are very different in this game.
Thanks to Kailu Lantis for compiling these.
- vs. Sol: THAT is how you draw a sword. Do you understand now?
- vs. Ky: You're a handsome little guy, but you still can't run with #1.
- vs. May: What are you doing here? I asked you to take care of the ship while I was away!
- vs. Axl: Nice reach! But let's be serious. Before that thing hits me, I can draw my sword at least ten times.
- vs. Baiken: A glamorous lady like you deserves nothing more than my loving embrace. Come on, come here!
- vs. Millia: You know, the Jellyfish Pirates are always looking for new female crew members.... Why not check us out?
- vs. Faust: Ugh. I thought I could get through to you. Guess you're just too dangerous to deal with.
- vs. Potemkin: Haven't you heard of etiquette? You're sweating like a pig. You could at least put on a shirt!
- vs. Chipp: Hey, you're pretty fast there. But as long as I can defend against it, what's the point?
- vs. Anji: What an eccentric guy.... You should be happy I bothered to accompany your dance with my waltz.
- vs. Slayer: Half of humanity has need of my services. I'm a very busy man. If this is just for fun, next time I'm gonna charge admission!
- vs. Venom: It's important to dress properly for a fight. Perhaps it's time for you to find a new outfit....
- vs. Eddie: Sorry, but my sword wasn't made for slicing up the dead. Let's just leave it at this, okay?
- vs. Jam: You trying to seduce me or what? That outfit of yours is pretty racy. You'd better be careful, little lady.
- vs. Dizzy: Looks like you're getting better at controlling your power. Hey, don't forget to make dinner for me tonight!
- vs. Robo-Ky: You've changed quite a bit since the last time we met. Do all cops look like that these days?
- vs. Bridget: What an unsatisfying match. You can't possibly take on my style with an infantile weapon like that...
- vs. Testament: No matter how strong you are, no one can get in the way of me and a woman. No one!
- vs. I-No: The piece will be an ensemble. If you're in the mood, I'll do the honor of being your clef.
- vs. Kliff: You've mastered the mighty Dragonslayer. I'm impressed! But I wouldn't expect to pick up many girls with that thing.
- vs. Justice: Victory comes from digging deep within your soul. Don't think I enjoy this, though.
Guilty Gear XX Λ Core +R 
- vs. Sol: Now that's how you draw a sword. Get it?
- vs. Ky: You’re pretty handsome, but the best you can get in the world is second place.
- vs. May: What are you doing here? Didn’t I entrust the ship to you while I’m away?
- vs. Axl: Hmm, you have a great reach! …But I can draw my sword ten times before your blows connect.
- vs. Baiken: The privilege to be held in my arms is only given to gorgeous ladies like you! Come to me now!
- vs. Millia: Aaaah… My Jellyfish Pirates accepts applications for female crew members. Please keep us in mind.
- vs. Faust: Damn, I thought I almost saw the real you, but I guess it was too risky…
- vs. Potemkin: Can you put on a shirt so I won’t get caught in the flood of your sweat?
- vs. Chipp: You can brag about your speed all you want, but I’m faster than you. Are you gonna sing my praises?
- vs. Anji: That was extraordinary… I fought you like I was dancing a waltz. Wasn’t that fun?
- vs. Slayer: I’m a very busy man with half the world’s population counting on me. I don’t have time for you.
- vs. Venom: It’s nice to dress up for the battlefield, but you need the skill to keep yourself clean.
- vs. Eddie: The essence of Iai lies in the ability to perceive things with the mind’s eye.
- vs. Jam: It’s a dangerous thing to play with a man’s heart. Your outfit’s so naughty, it’s almost criminal.
- vs. Dizzy: You’re getting considerably better at controlling your power. Anyway, what’s for dinner?
- vs. A.B.A: You should learn to communicate from my band of merry thieves. Come on…
- vs. Robo-Ky: Precise calculations are important, but battles aren’t won with theory alone.
- vs. Bridget: Why am I so upset? I know it’s meant to be strategic, but your yo-yos are nothing before my skill.
- vs. Testament: What’s wrong? Weren’t you gonna go see Dizzy?
- vs. Order Sol: There’s so much fluff in your movements. I can teach you a thing or two about fighting.
- vs. I-No: We can make such sweet music together. If you supply the time, I’ll supply the key.
- vs. Kliff: You used the Dragon Sword, huh? Impressive, but… um… not too smart.
- vs. Justice: Pour your heart and soul into a single strike. That’s the only way to win, but it’s not something I ever want to do again.
Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 
Match Start
- Default: If you wanna be a hero... be the last man standing.
- Default: Not taking any... curtain calls!
- Default: I'll warn you now... I'm PERFECT!
- vs. May: If I win... give me my allowance!
- vs. Haehyun: Yeah, yeah, I hear ya... Let's get this over with.
Match End
- Default: A happy ending happens when... the handsome guy wins.
- Default: Your last mistake... was making me serious.
- Default: Lesson number one... never go for the jackpot.
- Default: You got tricks up your sleeve, now's the time.
- Default: Still too early to fold.
- Default: The next game's calling my name.
- Default: If you're relying on your skill or mind, then you'll never beat a true genius.
Instakill Reactions
- Elphelt: That was like... dynamite.
- Elphelt: Time to call it quits...
- Elphelt: I don't need any more members...
- Sin: It's all good. I'm a hero.
- Sin: I'm always on maximum standby.
- Sin: Don't worry. I'm invincible.
- May:
Johnny: I think I got hustled las... oh?
May: I thought of a punishment.
Johnny: April! I'll walk to my harem. You can cancel this flight. No, I mean it!! - May:
Johnny: ...Morning already..?
May: I thought of a punishment.
Johnny: Listen, May. You don't shoot people out of cannons! This isn't going to end up like it does in those manga of yours! - May:
Johnny: Damn... Too much to drink last night..?
May: I thought of a punishment.
Johnny: Now, hang on a second... Isn't this a bit much? All I did was come back this morning..!
May: Guess you won't be home in the morning... - Venom: In a pinch..? That's cool.
- Venom: It's gettin' hot in here.
- Venom: Interesting moves you've got.
- Faust: I can make anything look good.
- Faust: Breakin' a sweat over there?
- Faust: Makin' a KILLING on Broadway!
- Bedman: Pops... wake up. It's still the afternoon...
- Bedman: What's wrong with [sic] hypocracy!?
- Bedman: Hey... You weren't a woman?
- vs. Johnny: What makes a gambler "top notch" is their ability to return to the table after suffering humiliating defeats. A true poker face doesn't begin by copying others.
- vs. Sol: Doesn't matter if my opponent's weak or strong. A hero just has to keep winning.
- vs. Ky: Your blade is much more dignified... like you grew a pair. And you conceded that like an adult... are you hiding some power you're not telling us?
- vs. May: A deal's a deal. Now, give me my allowance. What!? You're setting it aside for our retirement? Th-That's not cool!
- vs. Axl: Anyone who makes a big deal of their techniques means they're probably compensating for something. But from someone as great as me, that only shows weakness.
- vs. Baiken: Whether or not a woman is perfumed, whether her hair is perfectly in place or goin' every which way, a man can always see true beauty. And you are one fine lady.
- vs. Millia: When a woman's made up her mind, a man never interferes. But, remember that doesn't mean we can extend a helping hand.
- vs. Faust: Doctor. I'm sure you've seen a bunch of people in your time, but the Great Johnny is not your average patient. On the off-chance, though, that I happen to catch a GREAT cold, I may come to you for help.
- vs. Potemkin: You look much more formal than I remember... I'm glad you're not sweating all over the place, but doesn't it uhh... stink in there?
- vs. Chipp: You do things that others call ridiculous. Those are the people who're gonna change the world. I've got high hopes for your country.
- vs. Answer: I s'pose you're pretty sharp when comes to politics, but I'm afraid you found yourself on the wrong battlefield. All the knowledge in the world won't help you if you don't trust your gut.
- vs. Slayer: I take tips from gentlemen I entertain... After all, I'm in extremely high demand from half the world's population.
- vs. Raven: You don't step into range. You're immune to my taunts. Maintaining your own style in battle is a very valuable skill... but there's a difference in one who waits for chances, and one who seeks them.
- vs. Venom: If you're trying to play it cool, then you shouldn't force fights you know you'll lose. You're not going to beat a gambler with luck.
- vs. Zato: Say, I heard you died... Are there any hotties on the other side!?
- vs. I-No: There's no such thing as witches in this world, just bad people. I'm aiming to eliminate any words that put women in bad light.
- vs. Jam: Gamblers are constantly making calculations in their head... but the scary thing about a beautiful set of thighs like yours is... you make all of that go to hell.
- vs. Leo: You can't play off your good fortune because you don't even realize you have it. The overconfident ones generally does this.
- vs. Haehyun: You may be able to read my blade's every move, but I can see through a lady's heart. In the heat of battle, this skill is more valuable than reading an opponent's hand.
- vs. Dizzy: You decided to leave the Jellyfish Pirates behind... But it looks like you'll have a ship of your own to man. Good luck.
- vs. Jack-O': You're calling this one a miracle? Well, ain't that sweet... It's a good gambler's job to summon this "miracle" character at will.
- vs. Ramlethal: You can accept fights, but I wouldn't recommend picking them. You need a cooling off period.
- vs. Elphelt: I know not to ask a woman why they rush towards marriage... but on that same note, you should stop asking men why we don't want to marry.
- vs. Bedman: There were times when I thought it would be nice to carry my bed with me... But after seeing this, I'm having second thoughts.
- vs. Sin: A smart man respects those older than him. But you can't mistake youth for strength.
NOTE: Since Johnny wasn't dubbed in Xrd afaik, his respects are all in Japanese. All of them follow a formula of "あんたなかなか…[something in English]だぜ" (with the exception of May's, which just swaps out あんた for お前さん, which is how he normally addresses her). I've tried to translate them in a way that makes sense in English, to the best of my ability.
- vs. Sol: You're so... Wild!
- vs. Ky: You're so... Versailles!
- vs. May: Honey, you're so... Charming!
- vs. Axl: You're so... Big Ben!
- vs. Baiken: You're so... One in a million! T/N: I'm actually not sure what he said to Baiken. The closest guess I have is "million" but there's a chance I'm entirely wrong. Sorry.
- vs. Millia: You're so... Soft-skinned! T/N: What he actually says here is "moisture". I've chosen to translate it as "soft-skinned" because I assume what he's getting at is that she has a good skin care routine, or something along those lines, and "you're so moisturizer" isn't really a sentence that makes sense, lol.
- vs. Faust: You've got... A good hand!
- vs. Potemkin: You're so... Nice and macho!
- vs. Chipp: You're so... Japanesque!
- vs. Answer: You're such... A database!
- vs. Slayer: You're so... DANDY!
- vs. Raven: You're so... Abnormal!
- vs. Venom: You're such... A hustler!
- vs. Zato: You've got... Daaaarkness!
- vs. I-No: You're so... Emmanuel! T/N: Yeah I have not a clue what he means by that, but "emmanuel" is definitely what he said, no mistaking it. Honest to god, drop a message in the guestbook if you have any idea what the fuck he's talking about, because I'd love to know.
- vs. Jam: You're such... A bruiser! T/N: Again, I'm not fully sure what exactly he said here... Johnny's accent makes words with the letter R in them a bit hard to make out. He either said "bruise" or "blues", so given the context, I'm making an educated guess and translating it as "bruiser".
- vs. Leo: You're... The king of the jungle!
- vs. Haehyun: You're such... A matryoshka!
- vs. Dizzy: You're so... Noble!
- vs. Jack-O': You're so... Surprising!
- vs. Ramlethal: You're such... A tomboy!
- vs. Elphelt: You're so... Dynamite!
- vs. Bedman: You've got... King-size!
- vs. Sin: You're so... Nutty!
Guilty Gear Strive 
Round Win
- You fought the wrong guy... That's all.
- You were too caught up in the odds.
- You just didn’t catch on.
- The joker’s just a clown if you don’t win.
- Aw, now look, I told you, didn’t I? …I’m perfect.
- Hey there. You nervous or something?
- Go ahead! You can check.
- Only a rookie doesn't know when to quit.
- What's wrong? You foldin'?
- Slow playing, huh?
- Aw, at least make me sweat a little!
- Whoo, you’re pretty good! …I’m just a little better.
- Up for some no limit? Heheh… I bet you play a good hand.
- Bravo! To the world’s… second greatest.
- Ooh, I like your vibe! Wanna grab a drink sometime?
- Thought you were a fish! Turns out you’re a big ol’ shark.
- Ooh, you got style- for someone who isn’t me!
- (vs. women only) The Jellyfish Pirates are always recruiting female crew members! Know what I mean?
- Generic vs. Men: Up your game.
- Generic vs. Women: Ah, no time for love.
- vs. Ky: Versailles...
- vs. May: Naww, good kid.
- vs. Faust: You're a pro!
- vs. Potemkin: Macho maaaan!
- vs. Testament: Fashionista.
- vs. Giovanna: Feelin' only?