The Johnny Zone - Fanfiction

Here's a collection of fanfiction featuring Johnny that I've personally enjoyed, along with fics I've written about him myself. If you have Johnny fic recommendations, please feel free to share at the shrine guestbook, my Tumblr or Twitter. :)

Click a fic's title to read (opens in a new tab).

Family Man

  • Author: Broken_Clover
  • Word Count: 757
  • Warnings: None
  • Other Characters: None appearing; Jellyfish Pirates in general mentioned
  • Author's Summary: Johnny's a good flirt. He's a better dad

A short and sweet piece that's soooo... We are on the same wavelength! Truly summarizes how I feel about Johnny's character. A lot of people tend to either view him as Haha Funny Johnny Bravo Guy or Testament's Eye Candy Boytoy (no shade to Johnnytest shippers- I've been known to enjoy it myself), but I think a lot of people overlook just how dedicated he is to his family. This fic does a wonderful job of exploring this (and shares a name with a Fleetwood Mac song to boot). :)

Saja (사자)

  • Author: triptych_triptych_triptych
  • Word Count: 3,820
  • Warnings: Parental death, discussions of pregnancy
  • Other Characters: Haehyun
  • Author's Summary: According to canon, Haehyun and Johnny became friends before Xrd.
    This story portrays their first meeting.

An interesting take on Johnny and Haehyun's first meeting; As mentioned, we know they became friends at some point before Xrd, but not exactly how. This fic starts out as an exploration of Haehyun's character, before our beloved Johnny makes his appearance, and in true Johnny fashion, gently offers her a place among the Jellyfish Pirates. Obviously she doesn't accept (this isn't a spoiler, I mean, we've seen Xrd), but it's still very heartwarming to see.

before the sun sleeps

  • Author: electrignu
  • Word Count: 620
  • Warnings: None
  • Other Characters: May, April, minor appearances from Octy, Febby, Leap, June, and Janis
  • Author's Summary: May has a few conversations with her family, and thinks about the family she didn't have.

A May-centric fic, with Johnny only making a brief appearance, but I felt like it belonged here anyway. I really like this one because of the way Johnny reacts to May wondering about her family. One thing I think people sometimes forget about Johnny is that he lost his parents at a young age, too, and this fic does seem to honor that in a subtle way. Johnny doesn't coddle or pity May, but he's not cruel to her either; He just tells her honestly, yeah, sometimes it just sucks. But he's there for her, as he's always been.

I'll Give You One Night Only

  • Author: EmeraldTrash666 (Oh shit that's me!)
  • Word Count: 8,275
  • Warnings: Mild sexual content, alcohol/drunkenness
  • Other Characters: Axl, Testament, the Jellyfish Pirates
  • Author's Summary: Johnny, a date gone wrong, a few drinks too many, and an identity crisis. And some friends who've always got his back.

Those of you who have seen a certain image in the right sidebar here might have an idea what this is about, but long story short, it's a hypothetical exploration of Johnny's attitude towards romance and sex. Also focuses a lot on his relationships with his friends and family. Now, as the author, I have inside info on this one, so I'll tell you a bit of trivia: I wrote this after a dream in which Johnny had an identity crisis in a bar. In the dream, rather than Axl and Testament, Haehyun and Anji were there; Haehyun was supportive, while Anji was... I mean I won't say he was unsupportive per se, but he um, prophesized Johnny's death and then left without elaborating? Thanks Anji. Anyway, enjoy the fic.